Logo of The Commercial Curator

Helping organisations in the cultural, heritage, and sport sectors maximise their commercial potential

Whether you are designing new commercial ventures from scratch or are looking to improve your existing businesses there are many ways that I can help you do this.
Good commercial activities deliver revenue AND enhance the visitor experience and give the local community a reason to visit regularly.
Successful commercial enterprises like successful exhibitions need to be created with expertise and care and reflect the values of the organisation in which they exist.

A vital revenue stream

The need for Museums and Galleries to maximise their commercial revenue streams has never been more important, resilience and sustainability are now the keys to success. As funding falls creativity and expertise must rise to fill the gap.

Commercial curation

The most successful cultural attractions around the world are now putting commercial enterprises at the heart rather than the margin of their activities. When they are meticulously researched and delivered to be in harmony with their collections and underpin the culture and brand values of the organisation they make a real contribution to  visitors enjoyment and therefore should command the same level of expertise and attention to detail as a collection or exhibition.

The Commercial Curator exists to provide commercial expertise, practical help and resources to help improve shops and web shops to achieve higher average transaction values and conversion rates, develop better and more interesting catering options, unleash the power of customer data to drive visitor numbers and spend, and by thinking laterally find ways to monetise the assets of the site and collections effectively but always in keeping with the cultural values of the institution.

Museums and galleries are some of the most loved institutions in the country, they are hugely valuable cultural and educational assets, and most of the population will visit at least one every year. I want to use my commercial knowledge to help achieve long term sustainability and success in these cash strapped times.
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